Orhan Önder


Orhan Önder is a Medical Doctor and a PhD candidate in the Department of History of Medicine and Ethics at Istanbul University. After approximately three years in clinical practice (including work in the emergency department and COVID ICU), he now serves as a lecturer in the same department at Marmara University.
He is currently visiting the Philosophy of Media and Technology with his project, "Ethical Challenges Emerging from the Integration of AI in Clinics," supervised by Mark Coeckelbergh. This project is funded by The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK).

His primary research interests include Bioethics, AI Ethics, and the Philosophy of Medicine and Technology. His PhD work focuses on the epistemological and ethical analysis of AI-integrated clinics, examining structural changes in dynamics, epistemology of clinical decision-making, and responsibility distribution in clinics enhanced by Clinical Decision Support Systems.

In addition to his work on the Ethics of Digitalization in Healthcare and AI Integration, he has also researched COVID-19 and Ethics (covid19ethics.com) and edited 'The World After the Pandemic: Science and Technology' (2021) and 'Patient Privacy' (2020).

For more information about him please visit: https://www.linkedin.com/in/orhanonder/