Publications: Mark Coeckelbergh
Showing entries 29 - 35 out of 253
Gunkel, Gerdes, & Coeckelbergh, M. (2022). Editorial: Should Robots Have Standing? The Moral and Legal Status of Social Robots. Frontiers in Robotics and AI, 9, Article 946529.
Coeckelbergh, M., & Mackowski, K. (2022). Invasive Technisierung? Technikphilosophie und Technikkritik. Radio show
Coeckelbergh, M. (2022). Response: Language and Robots. Technology and Language, 3(1), 147-154.
Coeckelbergh, M. (2022). Self-Improvement: Technologies of the Soul in the Age of Artificial Intelligence. Columbia University Press.
Raper, Boeddinghaus, Coeckelbergh, M., Gross, Campigotto, & Lincoln (2022). Sustainability Budgets.
Coeckelbergh, M. (2022). The Grammars of AI: Towards a Structuralist and Transcendental Hermeneutics of Digital Technologies. Technology and Language, 3(2), 148-161.
Showing entries 29 - 35 out of 253