
Simulations of prebiotic chemistry under post-impact conditions on Titan. / Leitner, Johannes; Turse, Carol; Firneis, Maria Gertrude et al.
2013. 130 Paper presented at 63. Jahrestagung der Österreichischen Physikalischen Gesellschaft (ÖPG) 2013, Linz, Austria.

Publications: Contribution to conferencePaper

Simulations of Prebiotic Chemistry unter Post-Impact Conditions on Titan. / Turse, Carol; Leitner, Johannes; Firneis, Maria Gertrude et al.
In: Life, Vol. 3, No. 4, 2013, p. 538 - 549.

Publications: Contribution to journalArticlePeer Reviewed

Stability of Earth-Like N2 Atmospheres: Implications for Habitability. / Lammer, Helmut; Kislyakova, Kristina; Güdel, Manuel.
The Early Evolution of the Atmospheres of Terrestrial Planets. Springer New York LLC, 2013. p. 33-52.

Publications: Contribution to bookChapter

THE BURST MODE OF ACCRETION IN PRIMORDIAL PROTOSTARS. / Vorobyov, Eduard; DeSouza, Alexander; Basu, Shantanu.
In: The Astrophysical Journal, Vol. 768, 2013, p. 131-145.

Publications: Contribution to journalArticlePeer Reviewed

The effect of episodic accretion on the phase transition of CO and CO2 in low-mass star formation. / Vorobyov, Eduard; Baraffe, Isabelle; Harries, Tim et al.
In: Astronomy & Astrophysics, Vol. 557, A35, 2013.

Publications: Contribution to journalArticlePeer Reviewed

The evolution of hotspots on Earth and Venus. / Fahrngruber, Elisabeth; Leitner, Johannes; Firneis, Maria Gertrude.
2013. 96 Paper presented at 63. Jahrestagung der Österreichischen Physikalischen Gesellschaft (ÖPG) 2013, Linz, Austria.

Publications: Contribution to conferencePaper

The evolution of LINCOS: A language for cosmic interpretation. / Firneis, Maria Gertrude; Leitner, Johannes.
In: The History and Philosophy of Astrobiology: Perspectives on the Human Mind and Extraterrestrial Life. ed. / D. Duner; J. Parthemore; E. Perrson. Cambridge University Press, 2013. p. 201 - 210.

Publications: Contribution to bookChapter

The inner structure of Enceladus – Physical conditions at the bottom of its potential subsurface water reservoir. / Taubner, Ruth-Sophie; Leitner, Johannes; Firneis, Maria Gertrude et al.
2013. Paper presented at European Planetary Science Congress 2013 (EPSC), London, United Kingdom.

Publications: Contribution to conferencePaperPeer Reviewed

The inner structure of Jupiter’s Moon Europa – Estimations on the physical conditions at the sea floor of its potential subsurface ocean. / Pollack, Susanne; Taubner, Ruth-Sophie; Leitner, Johannes et al.
2013. 96 Paper presented at 63. Jahrestagung der Österreichischen Physikalischen Gesellschaft (ÖPG) 2013, Linz, Austria.

Publications: Contribution to conferencePaper

The inner structure of the planets Kepler-62e and Kepler-62f. / Taubner, Ruth-Sophie; Leitner, Johannes; Firneis, Maria Gertrude et al.
2013. Paper presented at European Planetary Science Congress 2013 (EPSC), London, United Kingdom.

Publications: Contribution to conferencePaperPeer Reviewed

The origin of amino acids under impact conditions on early Titan. / Turse, Carol; Khan, Afshin; Leitner, Johannes et al.
2013. 132 - 133 Paper presented at European Astrobiology Network Association Meeting (EANA), Szczecin, Poland.

Publications: Contribution to conferencePaperPeer Reviewed

The signatures of disk fragmentation in spectral energy distributions. / Zakhozhay, O. V.; Vorobyov, E. I.
Hot Planets and Cool Stars. Vol. 47 2013. 14003.

Publications: Contribution to bookContribution to proceedings

TV-Interview zum 'Weltuntergang' am 21. Dezember. Posch, Thomas (Editorial Journalist). 2012. orf 2.

Publications: Electronic/multimedia outputTelevision show

TV-Diskussion 'Weltuntergang am 21.12.2012 - Kommt der große Crash?'. Posch, Thomas (Editorial Journalist). 2012. puls 4.

Publications: Electronic/multimedia outputTelevision show

Dunkelheit, Lichtsmog und Astronomie. Posch, Thomas (Editorial Journalist). 2012. WDR - Westdeutscher Rundfunk.

Publications: Electronic/multimedia outputTelevision show

The enigmatic nature of the circumstellar envelope and bow shock surrounding Betelgeuse as revealed by Herschel. I. Evidence of clumps, multiple arcs, and a linear bar-like structure. / Decin, Leen; Cox, Nick L. J.; Royer, Pierre et al.
In: Astronomy & Astrophysics, Vol. 548, A113, 12.2012.

Publications: Contribution to journalArticlePeer Reviewed

Observational Aspects of an Inhomogeneous Cosmology. / Saulder, Christoph; Mieske, Steffen; W. Zeilinger, Werner.
In: Proceedings of Science (PoS), Vol. 18, 08.11.2012.

Publications: Contribution to journalArticle

Orion revisited. I. The massive cluster in front of the Orion nebula cluster. / Alves, Joao; Bouy, Hervé.
In: Astronomy & Astrophysics, Vol. 547, No. 547, A97, 01.11.2012.

Publications: Contribution to journalArticlePeer Reviewed

The effect of the high-pass filter data reduction technique on the PACS Photometer PSF and noise. / Popesso, Paola; Magnelli, Benjamin; Buttiglione, Sara et al.
In: Astronomy & Astrophysics, 11.2012.

Publications: Contribution to journalArticlePeer Reviewed