Mark Coeckelbergh
Mark Coeckelbergh
Professor of Philosophy of Media and Technology
Mark Coeckelbergh (Ph.D., University of Birmingham) is Professor of Philosophy of Media and Technology at the Department of Philosophy, University of Vienna since 2015 and was Vice Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy and Education until 2020. He is also ERA Chair at the Institute of Philosophy of the Czech Academy of Sciences in Prague and Guest Professor at WASP-HS and University of Uppsala. From 2014 to 2019 he was also (part-time) Professor of Technology and Social Responsibility at the Centre for Computing and Social Responsibility, De Montfort University, UK. He is University of Vienna's Circle U. Academic Chair for Artificial Intelligence.
He is former President of the Society for Philosophy and Technology (SPT) and a member of the steering committee of ETHICOMP. Coeckelbergh is member of the High Level Expert Group on Artificial Intelligence for the European Commission, the Rat für Robotik, inaugurated by the Austrian Ministry for Transport, Innovation and Technology, the Advisory Council on Automated Mobility (Beirat Automatisierte Mobilität), as well as member of the Technical Expert Committee (TEC) for the Foundation for Responsible Robotics. Currently, he is involved in a European research projects in the area of robotics PERSEO, and contributed to past projects DREAM, INBOTS, The SIENNA Project.
Previously, Prof. Coeckelbergh was Managing Director of the 3TU Centre for Ethics and Technology (2012 - 2014) and Assistant Professor at the Philosophy Department of the University of Twente, The Netherlands (2007 - 2014). He has been involved in interdisciplinary collaborations in the context of the European research projects INBOTS, SATORI (ethical impact assessment of research and innovation), and has been co‐chair of the Technical Committee ‘Robot Ethics’ of the IEEE Robotics & Automation Society (2013-2015).
He is a member of the Editorial Advisory Boards of the book series Ethics and Robotics, journals Cambridge Forum on AI: Law and Governance, AI and Ethics, Technophany, Journal of Artificial Intelligence for Sustainable Development (JAISD), Technology and Language, Science and Engineering Ethics, The AI Ethics Journal, AI for Sustainable Development, Cognitive Systems Research, Techne: Research in Philosophy and Technology, International Journal of Technoethics, Journal of Posthuman Studies: Philosophy, Technology, Media, Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society, Kairos. Journal of Philosophy & Science, Technology & Regulation (TechReg): An international journal of law, technology, and society, and The Journal of Sociotechnical Critique, and Associate Editor of AI & Society. He is on the advisory board of the University of Milan's Research Center on the Philosophy of Technology (PhilTech@UNIMI). He is a fellow of the World Technology Network (WTN) and finalist of the 2017 World Technology Awards in the category “Ethics”.
His publications include Growing Moral Relations (2012), Human Being @ Risk (2013), Environmental Skill (2015), Money Machines (2015), New Romantic Cyborgs (2017), Using Words and Things (2017), Moved by Machines (2019), Introduction to Philosophy of Technology (2019), AI Ethics (2020), Green Leviathan or the Poetics of Political Liberty (2021), The Political Philosophy of AI (2022), Self-Improvement (2022), Robot Ethics (2022), Digital Technologies, Temporality, and the Politics of Co-Existence (2023), Why AI Undermines Democracy and What to Do About It (2024). and numerous articles in the area of philosophy of technology, in particular the ethics of robotics and ICTs, in journals such as Techné, Philosophy and Technology, Ethics and Information Technology, and AI & Society.
Detailed information is to be found on his website; a list of publications can be found on the University's u:cris Portal.