Publications: Mark Coeckelbergh
Showing entries 148 - 154 out of 253
Evers, F., & Coeckelbergh, M. (2017). Waarom robots oorlogen laten uitvechten geen goed idee is. DeMorgen.
Rotenberger, J., & Coeckelbergh, M. (2017). „Der Bitcoin ist unfair“: Digitalwährung aus moralischer Sicht. Handelsblatt.
Coeckelbergh, M. (2017). Zegt Google wat u moet denken? De Standaard.
Franck, G., Spiekermann, S., Hampson, P., Ess, C. M., Hoff, J., & Coeckelbergh, M. (2017). Wider den Transhumanismus: Die gefährliche Utopie der Selbstoptimierung.
Coeckelbergh, M. (2017). Hacking Technological Practices and the Vulnerability of the Modern Hero. Foundations of Science, 22(2), 357-362.
Coeckelbergh, M. (2017). The art of living with ICTs: The ethics-aesthetics of vulnerability coping and its implications for understanding and evaluating ICT cultures. Foundations of Science, 22(2), 339-348.
Showing entries 148 - 154 out of 253