Publications: Mark Coeckelbergh
Showing entries 176 - 182 out of 253
Coeckelbergh, M. (2016). Digitale Zukunft: Sind wir bereits Cyborgs?
Coeckelbergh, M., & Dirtl, T. (2016). There will always be a place for humans. uni:view.
Coeckelbergh, M., & Reijers, W. (2016). Narrative Technologies: A Philosophical Investigation of the Narrative Capacities of Technologies by Using Ricoeur’s Narrative Theory. Human Studies: A Journal for Philosophy and the Social Sciences, 39(3), 325-346.
Coeckelbergh, M. (2016). Money Machines: Why We Need to Think about New and Alternative Financial Technologies? The European Financial Review, 52-53.
Coeckelbergh, M., & Gunkel, D. J. (2016). Response to “The Problem of the Question About Animal Ethics” by Michal Piekarski. Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics, 29(4), 717–721.
Peca, A., Coeckelbergh, M., Simut, R., Costescu, C., Pintea, S., David, D., & Vanderborght, B. (2016). Robot Enhanced Therapy for Children with Autism Disorders: Measuring Ethical Acceptability. IEEE Technology and Society Magazine, 35(2), 54-66.
Coeckelbergh, M., Pop, C., Simut, R., Peca, A., Pintea, S., David, D., & Vanderborght, B. (2016). A survey of expectations about the role of robots in robot-assisted therapy for children with ASD: Ethical acceptability, trust, sociability, appearance, and attachment. Science and Engineering Ethics, 22(1), 47-65.
Showing entries 176 - 182 out of 253