Talks: Mark Coeckelbergh

detailed information about venue, content of talks etc. is to be found here.

Showing entries 51 - 100 out of 233

Technoperformances in digital times

Mark Coeckelbergh
Talk or oral contribution
20.4.2023 - 20.4.2023

Self-Improvement and AI

Mark Coeckelbergh
Talk or oral contribution
13.4.2023 - 13.4.2023

AI and democracy: Risks and opportunities

Mark Coeckelbergh
The European AI Week
Conference, Talk or oral contribution
31.3.2023 - 31.3.2023

The politics of AI: How AI risks to undermine democracy

Mark Coeckelbergh
Talk or oral contribution
21.3.2023 - 21.3.2023

Data and Democracy

Mark Coeckelbergh
Talk or oral contribution
16.3.2023 - 16.3.2023

AI for Climate: Ethical and political issues

Mark Coeckelbergh
'The AI-ELSI Challenge - From the planetary dimension of surviving the Anthropocene'
Conference, Talk or oral contribution
9.3.2023 - 9.3.2023

Is AI bad for democracy? Analyzing AI’s impact on epistemic agency

Mark Coeckelbergh
Talk or oral contribution
9.3.2023 - 9.3.2023

Is AI Bad for Democracy

Mark Coeckelbergh
Talk or oral contribution
9.2.2023 - 9.2.2023

Democracy in danger? On the political epistemology of AI

Mark Coeckelbergh
Technologie za horizontem událostí
Seminar/Workshop, Talk or oral contribution
26.1.2023 - 26.1.2023

Freedom in the Anthropocene: Bringing Political Philosophy to Global Environmental Problems

Mark Coeckelbergh
Challenges for Environmental and Political Philosophy in the Anthropocene
Conference, Talk or oral contribution
16.1.2023 - 16.1.2023

Tech Entrepreneurs in Fiction

Céline Pieters , Erich Prem , Mark Coeckelbergh
Tech Entrepreneurs in Fiction
Seminar/Workshop, Organisation of ...
27.10.2022 - 27.10.2022

Does AI threaten democracy? AI and the revision of political beliefs

Mark Coeckelbergh
Talk or oral contribution
29.9.2022 - 29.9.2022

How Does AI Affect Rights, Meanings, Vocabulary and Relationships?

Mark Coeckelbergh
Global AI Summit
Conference, Talk or oral contribution
13.9.2022 - 13.9.2022

AI and the revision of political beliefs

Mark Coeckelbergh
Talk or oral contribution
6.9.2022 - 6.9.2022

Is it wrong to abuse an avatar in the metaverse? On the moral status of avatars and robots

Mark Coeckelbergh
RO-MAN 2022
Conference, Talk or oral contribution
2.9.2022 - 2.9.2022

Responsible citizenship, AI, and epistemic agency

Mark Coeckelbergh
Conference Responsibility and Autonomy in Artificial Intelligence
Conference, Talk or oral contribution
27.6.2022 - 27.6.2022

Guest lecture for master's course "AI Ethics & Society"

Mark Coeckelbergh
Talk or oral contribution
22.6.2022 - 22.6.2022

How AI Threatens Epistemic Agency in a Democracy, and What Policy Can Do About It

Mark Coeckelbergh
Regulating AI in a Democracy
Conference, Talk or oral contribution
7.6.2022 - 7.6.2022

Democracy, epistemic agency, and AI

Mark Coeckelbergh
Responsibility & AI
Seminar/Workshop, Talk or oral contribution
12.5.2022 - 12.5.2022

Democratic Citizenship, Epistemic Agency, and Artificial Intelligence

Mark Coeckelbergh
Talk or oral contribution
27.4.2022 - 27.4.2022

Democracy, Epistemic Agency, and Artificial Intelligence

Mark Coeckelbergh
Séances 2021/2022
Lecture series, colloquium, Talk or oral contribution
26.4.2022 - 26.4.2022

Regional guidelines on AI and Ethics

Mark Coeckelbergh
Webinar of United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs
Seminar/Workshop, Talk or oral contribution
20.4.2022 - 20.4.2022

Towards a Political Philosophy of AI

Mark Coeckelbergh
Antonio Picariello Lecture
Lecture series, colloquium, Talk or oral contribution
11.4.2022 - 11.4.2022

The Moral Standing of Social Robots and the Performance of Virtue

Mark Coeckelbergh
Joint Symposium on Social Robotics 2022
Conference, Talk or oral contribution
29.3.2022 - 29.3.2022

The Ubuntu Robot: How to Do Intercultural Robotics

Mark Coeckelbergh
PERSEO Winter School 2022
Summer/Winter school, Talk or oral contribution
24.3.2022 - 24.3.2022

The Political Philosophy of AI,

Mark Coeckelbergh
European Artificial Intelligence Week 2022
Conference, Talk or oral contribution
18.3.2022 - 18.3.2022

Democracy, Epistemic Agency, and AI

Mark Coeckelbergh
Talk or oral contribution
10.3.2022 - 10.3.2022

Responsibility and AI

Mark Coeckelbergh
Responsibility and Explainability in Practice
Seminar/Workshop, Talk or oral contribution
9.3.2022 - 9.3.2022

REBALANCE Talks with Mark Coeckelbergh

Mark Coeckelbergh
Talk or oral contribution
16.12.2021 - 16.12.2021

AI, Climate and Global Political Challenges

Mark Coeckelbergh
International Symposium on AI and Future Society
Conference, Talk or oral contribution
10.12.2021 - 10.12.2021

The New Ethical Digital Normal

Mark Coeckelbergh
Talk or oral contribution
2.12.2021 - 2.12.2021

AI Ethcs: Responsibility in Digital Times

Mark Coeckelbergh
Talk or oral contribution
24.11.2021 - 24.11.2021

Remarks on Transhumanism

Mark Coeckelbergh
Talk or oral contribution
7.9.2021 - 7.9.2021


Mark Coeckelbergh
Re:Humanism Talks
Lecture series, colloquium, Talk or oral contribution
..2021 - ..2021

AI for Climate: Political Challenges

Mark Coeckelbergh
Talk or oral contribution
..2021 - ..2021

AI for Climate: Political Challenges

Mark Coeckelbergh
Talk or oral contribution
..2021 - ..2021

AI in and vs global challenges

Mark Coeckelbergh
EURA Conference 2021 - Regulating UncertAInty
Conference, Talk or oral contribution
..2021 - ..2021

Artificial Intelligence for a Better Future – An ecosystem perspective on the ethics of AI and emerging digital technologies

Mark Coeckelbergh
Artificial Intelligence for a Better Future
Panel discussion, round table, Talk or oral contribution
..2021 - ..2021

Ethics of AI and Education

Mark Coeckelbergh
Rekindle the Light of Educating Children in the Underprivileged Zones
Seminar/Workshop, Talk or oral contribution
..2021 - ..2021

Ethics of AI in Architecture

Mark Coeckelbergh
Virtual Italian Pavilion - Venice Biennale
Seminar/Workshop, Talk or oral contribution
..2021 - ..2021

Ethics of AI: Narratives and Responsibility

Mark Coeckelbergh
AI and the Humanities Lecture Series
Lecture series, colloquium, Talk or oral contribution
..2021 - ..2021

EU AI Rules

Mark Coeckelbergh
Talk or oral contribution
..2021 - ..2021

Fireside Chat with Aimee van Wynsberghe

Mark Coeckelbergh
Sustainable AI
Conference, Talk or oral contribution
..2021 - ..2021

Gespräch mit Mark Coeckelbergh

Mark Coeckelbergh
Shift 2021
Panel discussion, round table, Talk or oral contribution
..2021 - ..2021

Green Leviathan

Mark Coeckelbergh
III Conferência Internacional sobre Direito à Rebelião?
Conference, Talk or oral contribution
..2021 - ..2021

How to keep technology aligned with humanity?

Mark Coeckelbergh
and& Festival 2021
Conference, Talk or oral contribution
..2021 - ..2021

Is it acceptable to kick a robot dog? A relational approach to moral standing

Mark Coeckelbergh
Rabbits and Robots Workshop
Seminar/Workshop, Talk or oral contribution
..2021 - ..2021

The Ethical Algorithm

Mark Coeckelbergh
Talk or oral contribution
..2021 - ..2021

The Ethics Guidelines for Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence

Mark Coeckelbergh
Seminar/Workshop, Talk or oral contribution
..2021 - ..2021

The Political Philosophy of AI: An Introduction

Mark Coeckelbergh
Politics of Artificial Intelligence
Seminar/Workshop, Talk or oral contribution
..2021 - ..2021

Showing entries 51 - 100 out of 233