Talks: Mark Coeckelbergh
detailed information about venue, content of talks etc. is to be found here.
Showing entries 201 - 222 out of 222
Is it Wrong to Kick a Robot? Towards a Relational and Critical Robot Ethics and Beyond
Mark Coeckelbergh
International Research Conference Robophilosophy 2016 / TRANSOR 2016
Talk or oral contribution
19.10.2016 - 19.10.2016
Artificial agents in health care: Ethical and societal challenges
Mark Coeckelbergh
Robotics in the 21st century: Challenges and Promises
Talk or oral contribution
27.9.2016 - 27.9.2016
Error 301: human_not_found
Mark Coeckelbergh
Error 301: human_not_found
Talk or oral contribution
23.9.2016 - 23.9.2016
Radiation Ethics and the Gothic Epistemology of Modern Technological Risk: Ghosts, Measurement, and Praxis
Mark Coeckelbergh
Third International Symposium on Ethics of Environmental Health
Talk or oral contribution
29.8.2016 - 29.8.2016
The Poetics of Innovation
Mark Coeckelbergh
2nd FEAT (Future Emerging Art & Technology) Workshop
Talk or oral contribution
28.6.2016 - 28.6.2016
Data, Speed, and Know-How: Ethical and Philosophical Issues in Human-Autonomous Systems Cooperation in Military Contexts
Mark Coeckelbergh
Talk or oral contribution
16.6.2016 - 16.6.2016
International Association for Computing and Philosophy – Annual Meeting
Mark Coeckelbergh
International Association for Computing and Philosophy – Annual Meeting
Participation in ...
14.6.2016 - 16.6.2016
Automation in the Maritime Sector: Ethical and Societal Issues
Mark Coeckelbergh
20ste MARITIEM SYMPOSIUM: Automatisering in scheepvaart en havens
Talk or oral contribution
11.5.2016 - 11.5.2016
Machine Ethics in Health Care
Mark Coeckelbergh
Öffentliche Sitzung der Bioethikkommission "Von Mensch und Maschine: Roboter in der Pflege"
Talk or oral contribution
2.5.2016 - 2.5.2016
Moving Machines: Robots, empathy, and the performance of suffering
Mark Coeckelbergh
AISB 2016
Talk or oral contribution
4.4.2016 - 4.4.2016
Magic and Self-Destruction: Romanticism and Media in the Anthropocene
Mark Coeckelbergh
Society for Phenomenology and Media - 19th Annual International Conference
Talk or oral contribution
16.3.2016 - 16.3.2016
The Society for Philosophy and Technology (External organisation)
Mark Coeckelbergh
Research organization
1.3.2016 - ..
My Nature? From a scientific-romantic environmentalism to a more engaged relation to the environment
Mark Coeckelbergh
Talk or oral contribution
17.2.2016 - 17.2.2016
Romantic Machines: Cyborgs, Monsters, and Magic in Smart Devices
Mark Coeckelbergh
Talk or oral contribution
16.2.2016 - 16.2.2016
Environmental Skill: Beyond Romantic Nature and Modern Technology
Mark Coeckelbergh
First Annual Bovay Workshop on Engineering and Applied Ethics, Theme: Technology and Nature
Talk or oral contribution
15.2.2016 - 15.2.2016
Social ontology, political principles, and responsibility for technology
Mark Coeckelbergh
Talk or oral contribution
4.2.2016 - 6.2.2016
Technology, Moral Imagination, and Performance
Mark Coeckelbergh
Talk or oral contribution
2.2.2016 - 2.2.2016
Automation, Vulnerability, and Disengagement
Mark Coeckelbergh
Cognitive Science
Lecture series, colloquium,
Talk or oral contribution
14.1.2016 - 14.1.2016
Committee on Embedding Values Into Autonomous Intelligent Systems, IEEE Global Initiative for Ethical Considerations in Artificial Intelligence and Autonomous Systems (External organisation)
Mark Coeckelbergh
..2016 - ..
Symposium on Embodied Cognition, Acting and Performance, at AISB 2016
Mark Coeckelbergh
Symposium on Embodied Cognition, Acting and Performance, at AISB 2016
Organisation of ...
.11.2015 - .4.2016
Confused by Robots: Thinking About Non-Humans Beyond Ontology
Mark Coeckelbergh
Talk or oral contribution
20.10.2015 - 20.10.2015
Showing entries 201 - 222 out of 222